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Java Building Web Services Training Class - Java Building Web Services Training Course

JAWebSer101 - Building WebServices in Java
Next Course Dates Call for schedule
Duration 3 days


Students should have one year experience with Java/Servlets, and should be familiar with XML.
Who Should Attend? Java Developers and Architects.
Course Benefits

The completely updated Web Services course is a comprehensive introduction to the world of SOA and Web Services. The course provides the student with everything he/she needs to know in order to build basic to advanced Web Services.

You Will Learn How To

This comprehensive workshop explores the world of SOA and Web Services. It covers basics as well as a few important advanced topics (such as WS-Security). The course explains and uses standard Java APIs such as SAAJ, JAX-WS, JAXB and JAXR.

The course starts by defining the role of Web Services in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). For this reason an overview of SOA and related concepts (e.g., Service Oriented Processes). Often people award Web Services for many characteristic, where it is in fact SOA that offers these characteristic.

After Web Services has been placed into the correct context, the course continues by giving an almost complete overview of Web Services technologies. This course focuses on the message, description, discovery and security. Other courses offer orchestration, transaction or give more detail and advanced features to for example Security.

This course explains WSDL as quickly as possible, so that the rest of the course can be as real-life as possible. After WSDL has been explained in depth (following a brief overview of core technologies such as SOAP, WSDL itself and UDDI), technologies are explained and practiced using WSDL as a base. Students will be able to invoke Web Services using tools such as AXIS after going through the WSDL session.

The course provides a thorough overview of SOAP. SOAP is explained with the WS-I Basic Profile in mind. The WS-I Basic Profile is an effort to enable interoperability (e.g. between .Net and J2EE). All aspects of the SOAP recommendation are covered. SAAJ is explained as well as other technologies. SAAJ is an Java API to read, write and send SOAP messages.

The third cornerstone in many SO Technical Architectures is discovery. UDDI is one of the technologies to enable this. UDDI is explained and put into real-world practice. The relation between UDDI and WSDL is explained and used by the students.

The course concludes with an introduction, though comprehensive, of Web Services Security.

Course Content

Introduction to Web Services and SOA Technologies
Lesson: Introduction to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) | Describe the SOA | Understand the business benefits | Describe what a Service is | Understand the need for a Service Oriented Process (SOP) | Understand design by contract | Understand the relationship between SOA and Web Services | Lesson: Introduction to Web Services | Define Web Services | Look at Web Services from a Business Perspective | List important organizations, companies and bodies involved with Web Services | Discuss the maturity of Web Services | List benefits of using Web Services for the SOA | List different types of applications of Web Services | Web Services in your Software Architecture | List criteria when to use Web Services | Understand where to use Web Services in your architecture | List high level Web Services Architectures | Discuss the ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) and Web Services

Overview of Technologies
Web Services Technologies | Layout the Web Services technologies | List technologies for meta data | List technologies for messaging | List technologies for Transactions and Process | List technologies for Presentation | List technologies for Security | List technologies for Management | Core Technology Overview: SOAP, WSDL and UDDI | Describe SOAP | Understand scope of the SOAP Recommendation | Understand the structure of a SOAP message | Understand the extensibility features of SOAP | Appreciate the WS-I Basic Profile | Understand the role of WSDL | Understand the basics of the WSDL structure | Understand the significance of the WSDL document | Understand the role of UDDI | Understand different ways of using UDDI is used

Comprehensive overview of WSDL | Understand the structure of a WSDL document | Understand the relationships | Understand how to define Services compliant with the WS-I Basic Profile | Understand the SOAP Binding | Understand different transport bindings (HTTP, SMTP) | Understand how to define RPC style web services | Understand how to define Documented oriented web services | Using the Import element to split the WSDL into contract and implementation | Understand the role of WSDL in the SOA and a SOP (Service Oriented Process) | List the different transmission primitives (aka message exchange patterns) | List different WSDL Extensions | First look at a recommendation for using WSDL in UDDI | List changes made for WSDL2.0 | Tools and WSDL | Understand how Tool support can help | List modeling tools and WSDL | Dedicated WSDL Editing tools | Use WSDL to generate stubs and skeletons

JAX-WS Overview | Understand what JAX-WS is | Understand the JAX-WS Architecture in detail | Understand the JAX-WS 2.1 Specification | Understand the role of WSDL | Discuss bottom-up versus top-down service realization | Overview of the WSDL and Java Mapping and vice versa | Introduce the two APIs (client/service side) | Building a JAX-WS Client | Understand the static service use | Understand how to build a JAX-WS client using a given WSDL | Understand the internal sequence of service invocation (OSD) | Understand dynamic service use | Service realization using JAX-WS | Recap the two models: bottom-up and top-down | Understand the developments steps for bottom-up | Understand the developments steps for top-down | Customize Java to WSDL mapping using JAX-WS and Web Services Metadata (JSR 181) annotations | Appreciate the use of JAXB 2.1 annotations (JSR 222) | Configure the SOAP Binding | Understand JAX-WS exception handling | Add Service Endpoint exception and map these to SOAP faults | Con SOAP 1.1 HTTP Binding | Advanced JAX-WS | Customize WSDL to Java binding using the JAX-WS Binding Language | Use JAXB binding declarations | Understand the Handler Framework | Add support for MTOM | Enable transport layer authentication (HTTP basic authentication) | Stateful sessions using different HTTP mechanisms (cookies, URL an the SSL ID)

Overview of the SOAP Recommendation | Understand the structure of the SOAP1.2 specification | Understand the SOAP1.2 terminology | Understand the different parts that make up the specification | SOAP Messaging Framework | Explain the SOAP Messaging Framework | The anatomy of a SOAP message | Explain the tho techniques for extensibility (vertical and horizontal) | Explain the use of headers in vertical extensibility | Explain the use of the mustUnderstand flag | Explain the use of Intermediaries for horizontal extensibility | Understand a SOAP Module | Understand the use of the header for horizontal extensibility (role attribute) | Explain SOAP in compliance with WS-I Basic Profile | Understand differences between SOAP1.2 and SOAP1.1 | Understand the The SOAP Pocessing Model | Understand SOAP Faults | Understand the structure of a SOAP Faults | Understand the the use of headers with SOAP Faults | Lesson: SAAJ Basics | Understand the core of SAAJ | Understand the core classes that make up SAAJ | Understand the relationship between SOAP message elements and SAAJ classes | For each class understand its use | SOAP Adjuncts | Introduce the SOAP Data Model and SOAP Encoding | Introduce the SOAP RPC Representation | Understand the role of SOAP Features | Understand the concept of Properties | Understand how SOAP Features are realized | Understand the SOAP Bindings | Explain in more detail the SOAP HTTP Binding | Understand standard Message Exchange Patterns | Describe the Request-Response Message Exchange Pattern | Describe the SOAP Response Message Exchange Pattern | Describe the SOAP Web Method Feature | Describe the SOAP Action Feature | Lesson: SOAP and Binary Information | Understand different ways of sending binary data as part of a SOAP message | Introduce SOAP with Attachments (SwA) | Use SAAJ to Manage attachments | Discuss other initiatives (DIME, PASWA, SOAP MTOM)

Comprehensive overview of UDDI | Understand the role of UDDI | Understand applications of UDDI | Understand the metamodel of UDDI | Understand the tModel | Discuss different Classification Schemes (NAICS, ISO3166 etc) | Understand the two best-practices for using WSDL in UDDI | List differences between UDDI2.0 and 3.0 | Explain the security enhancements in UDDI 3.0 | JAXR | Understand the JAXR Architecture | Be able to query a registry based on names | Be able the query a registry based on classifications | Be able to bind to a JAX-RPC service, using JAXR

Overview of Web Services Security | Describe the need for security | List the four main aspects of (web) security | Introduce the different algorithms used in encryption technologies | Understand symmetric encryption and what to use it for | Understand asymmetric encryption and what it used for | Understand the role and concept of Message Digests | Understand the role and concept of Digital signatures | Understand the role and concept of Message Authentication Code (MAC) | Understand the role and concept of Certificates | Understand the role and concept of key agreement technologies | Introduce PKI architectures | Web Services Security Technologies | Understand that transport layer security (e.g. SSL and HTTPS) is not always an option | Describe the seven specification in the IBM/Microsoft Security Road map | Understand the scope of WS-Security | Introduce XML Digital Signatures | Introduce XML Digital Encryption | Understand the concept of and the need for Canonicalization | Introduce security tokens | Understand the relationship with the WS-Trust specification | Understand the role of XML Key Management Specification (XKMS) and PKIs | Describe other security specifications (WS-SecurityPolicy ,WS-SecureConversation, WS-Federation) | Transport layer security (optional) | Introduce SSL and Certificates | Introduce JSSE | How to use the J2EE security mechanism to restrict access | How to setup a connection using SSL | Understand how certificates are used in this. | Be able to implement a secure (Transport Layer) web service using a JAX-RPC Servlet

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